Make sure all doors to the outside are well sealed. If light can be seen from around or under a door, then insects can gain access.

Check for plumbing leaks. Don't let water accumulate anywhere in or around your home.

Check grout around bathtubs and toilets. A good caulk seal will keep out small insects, such as silverfish and ants.

Food Containers
Store all open food containers in tightly sealed containers or in the refrigerator.

Pet food
Store pet food in sealed plastic containers. Limit the amount of time food is out.

Store garbage in sealed containers and dispose of it regularly.

Seal around soffits and vents to make sure rodents and insects can't get into the roof or attic space.

Keep basements, roof-voids and sub-floor areas well ventilated and dry.

Repair or replace any torn screens to keep insects from getting inside.

Conduits & Pipes
Seal around conduits and piping where it enters your house. Many insects and rodents follow power lines or climb conduits and pipes to get inside.

Gutter Drains
Check all gutter drains to make sure that water is diverted away from your house. The base of each gutter should drain water away from the foundation to discourage moisture from building up next to your house.

Leaves and debris
Remove all accumulated leaves and debris from rain gutters and the roof to prevent insects from breeding under the build-up.

Caulk all cracks and crevices (for example, under window frames or around pipes entering the side of your house) to prevent insects from entering.

Keep garbage bins clean and lids sealed to prevent ants, roaches and flies from feeding and breeding in the garbage.

Plants & Trees
Prune any excess plants or trees touching your house. These can create an insect highway directly into your house.
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